Get to know the PPC Job Board family

PPC Job Board consists of a group of PPC nerds that happened to also be very close friends. While searching for jobs, we realized no one out there was providing a service that was specifically meant for us. Sites seemed like a scrapbook of every marketing job out there and many times our beloved industry was left behind. Even when there were PPC listings they were so far down it was nearly impossible to find them. We just knew we had to help our fellow experts and make the path easier for them than it was for us.
Our website has the same work ethic as us! We don’t want to upload a bunch of random very unspecific listings for you to browse through, we want to find our users’ actual perfect fit. That’s why, from day 1, we ask everyone to fill us in with every single detail. We are not stalkers, we just care a lot.
The PPC world is fantastic and ready to be explored, there’s a lot of work to do and goals to accomplish. Ours is to accelerate the inevitable growth this industry is meant to have. With that in mind, we created a website meant to bring together qualified PPCs and the people looking for them.